The beautiful actress, Erra Fazira, 51, has opened her heart to accepting love if fate brings her a third chance. However, she is also at peace with the possibility of living alone for the rest of her life, after experiencing two failed marriages.
“If Allah says there’s a soulmate for me, I’ll accept it. If there isn’t, I’ll accept that too. I don’t think anyone wants to live alone and in loneliness.
“If you live alone but feel lonely, empty, and depressed, that’s not good either. Whatever Allah’s plan is, as long as I can make peace with destiny,” she said during an audio session on Ruang Cerita Zayan with Faizal Ismail and Nana Mahzan.
According to Erra, if she finds love again, she wants that marriage to be her last.
“Anyone who steps into marriage surely hopes it will be their last soulmate, the happiest one, and everything beautiful.
“The same goes for me. If I step into marriage again, I hope it will be the most beautiful one and last until the end of my life,” she shared.
When talking about her ideal partner, Erra dreams of someone who shares the same direction in life.
“I don’t expect him to be a great leader. It’s enough for him to be a simple person, but someone who brings peace,” said Erra, who is currently linked to entrepreneur Ezwan Zain.
Previously, Erra was married to Datuk Yusry Abdul Halim in 2003 before divorcing in 2006. She then married Engku Emran Engku Zainal Abidin in 2007, but their marriage ended in 2014. From her second marriage, she was blessed with a daughter, Engku Aleesya, 16. – BOOM!